mercredi 29 juin 2011
Une farandole de crânes estropiés - Laboratoire d'ostéologie du campus de Columbia
dimanche 26 juin 2011
" As opposed to their mental outlook, it must be assumed that in the case of their bodily movements they had become like two dancing partners who had grown so accustomed to a combined movement as a pair, and so trained to the impulses of the other partner that a simultaneous step or turn was inevitable. It was a conditioning of the mind rather than a compulsion of the spirit. "
Garage Sell
samedi 25 juin 2011
Conjoined Twins de Christine Quigley - Extraits
Bones with Bling The amazing jewelled skeletons of Europe
“Who are they?” one of the visitors inquires.
“I’m not sure about one of them,” their local guide explains, “but the other is Constantine the Great.”
“Constantine? The Roman Emperor?” asks the visitor, now visibly puzzled. “It seems… well, very unlikely that his skele ton would be in this church.”
“Well, this is what I’ve been told,” the guide sheepishly replies.
vendredi 24 juin 2011
Fake-ieval : La poétique arcboutée du Gothic Revival americain
Durant la seconde partie du XIXème siècle, l'Angleterre victorienne s'enfonce dans une nostalgie médiévale, ressassant le passé sublimé des légendes arthuriennes et renouant en architecture avec le style gothique et ses galbes flamboyants. Aux Etats-Unis, cette vogue qui consiste à appliquer les principes de l'architecture sacrée sur des constructions civiles est un paradoxe fascinant. Ce n'est un secret pour personne, l'Amérique n'a jamais eu de Moyen Age et, jalouse de sa consoeur britannique, a souhaité se construire des ruines neuves et mutantes, qu'on retrouve parfois coincées entre les gratte-ciel des quartiers d'affaires. Le Gothic Revival américain n'est pas un revival à proprement parler, c'est surtout l'expression nostalgique d'un passé qui n'a jamais existé et n'a jamais été vécu. Ces étranges bâtisses, châteaux de la Hammer transplantés en milieu urbain sont pour moi l'une des plus étonnantes manifestations du « saudade » portugais.
mercredi 22 juin 2011
Joe Coleman 's Flash Tattoo Drawings
mardi 21 juin 2011
Norman's Ghost hole
The Metropolitan Sepulchre - Le gratte-ciel des morts où l'etrange histoire de la première nécropole verticale
Wilson envisioned massive flights of stairs on each side of the pyramid, leading to an obelisk on top that would include an observatory. In the gardens around the pyramid, a sculpture garden would counterpoint the “bold, monotonous, and sombre background of the pyramid;” not just a house for the dead, it would be a monument for all of London.
“This grand mausoleum,” Wilson claimed, “will go far towards completing the glory of London. It will rise in majesty over its splendid fanes and lofty towers—teaching the living to die, and the dying to live for ever.” Moreover, it would pay for itself. At £5 per burial (around $500 today) the project would return a tidy profit for its investors.
Wilson’s idea was rejected in favor of the garden cemetery plan recently pioneered in Paris’s Père Lachaise. Specifically, the cemetery was designed as an antidote to city life; it was an idyllic natural repose where the living could escape the bustle of the city by communing in verdant fields with their loved ones. Wilson’s pyramid, on the other hand, was to be an extension of it—just as urbanites dwelled in spectacular architecture and ever-taller buildings, so too might their dearly departed."
lundi 20 juin 2011
Mummification Workshop @ The Observatory
- Coney Island II - Curios Miscellanea -
dimanche 19 juin 2011
Coney Island - I - The Mermaid Parade
7: Un homard à l'attaque
8: Meduse-Antoinette
9: Nautilus VS Giant Squid